On Sunday, Oct, 7, 2007,we awoke early for an 8:30am departure for a German manor house and a Botanical Gardens located between here and well maintained as possible, but without any decoration. Folks are clearly focusing on survival and not beauty.
ouse, and other little cottages used for differing purposes.
The Loyalty Rock was brought back from the
We continued walking in the woods, which were cool but it was damp and drizzling, and we stopped at some mildly interesting sites until Maddy couldn’t move another step. She was muddy all over her new gray cords, and her red boots were hard to discern under the layers of dark brown muck. I volunteered to take her back to the car, so that Patrick and the others could continue the tour and go into the mansion.
The inside of the mansion was ornate. It has amazing frescos. There was a game room that Pat would like to have at home. It was very dark inside and after "renovation" still needs a lot of work.
At 2pm after we left the mansion, we went to a little picnic table that was just off the side of the road. We had a really necessary, varied, and delicious lunch. There were cheese wraps with bell peppers, ham, sausage, cold, boiled potatoes, hot tea, juice, and fruit. It was like heaven.
After lunch, folks drifted discreetly into the woods to take a pee. It was kind of funny, 1) because they all carry TP all the time anyway since public toilets (even at school) are not equipped with TP and 2) because it was super natural for them all to just go take a wiz. There is an old Ukrainian saying that goes, “If you ask a Ukrainian where the bathroom is, they will answer, it is everywhere.” Maddy saw folks drifting into the woods and started to follow them. I was waiting for some folks to return prior to my turn since the woods were teaming with some 10 of us and I didn’t think I’d find a spot or worse that I would find someone else’s occupied spot! I tried to call her back, but she kept going. And surprise! She shocked the hell out of a 20-something year old boy taking a pee against a tree! J Oh well. All the adults got a big kick out of it. She later accompanied me to the woods and was very helpful in holding TP; I never realized this perk before.
The weather started clearing up at this point, and we made our way to a Botanical Garden a ways away. We went through several more villages. On the way, we stopped at what had been another mansion. What remained of it was only the stables, but man, they must have been incredible once. The buildings were really big for barns and even had cornices on the columns inside.
While we were there, we stopped at a cute Eastern Orthodox chapel. It had the typical onion dome, but had a pointed, curve shape to the building that made it interesting. The building was also carved in placed. We happened to luck out when we arrived, because they were performing a baptism that we all stood witness to. One of the videos on youtube is of this baptism. By the time, we arrived at the Botanical Gardens, Maddy was asleep on me, so I stayed behind with her so that she would have a full nap.
The Botanical Gardens according to Pat was just a walk in the woods. There were no plants. There was a little island in a pond with a steep half circle bridge connecting it to the mainland. On the island, the main attraction was a cool chair carved out of a stump. But the sun was coming out so the walk was nice.
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